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Before reaching out, take a peek at my FAQ section—chances are, your question is already answered! Whether you're wondering how to book a session, what to expect, event details, or my reading process, the FAQ has you covered.


If you still need assistance after checking, feel free to reach out!

Is an in person session better than virtual or phone?

A reading is the same either in person, virtual, or by phone. It is really a matter of convenience for clients.

Do you have a cancellation list?

I do not have a cancellation list. It is rare for a session to re-schedule, and if it does, I move up those who've been already waiting for their session. I am also a believer in true timing - the timing will always be the right time.

I just had a loss. Can I see you right away?

As much as I would love to see you right away, I believe that the grief process for both the living and those on the other side is important to go through. Six to twelve months after a passing is a (mostly) healthy time frame before seeking out any medium. I write a lot about this in my books and blogs.

What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds for sessions, events, or classes.

Can you help me find my glasses/ring/cat, etc.?

I am the psychic medium who loses her glasses (on her head) and her cell phone (in her hand). A missing human is different energy for me than a missing pet or object, so I'm sorry, but I'm not your person for this.


At this time, I do not.

Is an in person session better than virtual or phone?

A reading is the same either in person, virtual, or by phone. It is really a matter of convenience for clients.

Can I ask questions during our session?

Absolutely, as it is your session. It is a great idea to jot down some questions before the session.

I don't want a session, but I want to ask you questions about my life/my gifts, etc - how do I do that?

As much I'd love to chat with everyone, it just isn't possible. The best way to grab some time from me is to book a session. I hope you understand.

I have a missing person/cold case that I need help with, can you assist?

I only work at the request of law enforcement. You are more than welcome to offer them my information.

Can I book you for a home party/gathering?

At this time, my schedule isn't allowing me to book any home visits. If you'd like a group session, I still do those in my office. Visit my scheduler here to book.

Can I copy the content you teach/present/share?

​I love that you are excited to share what you've learned during my event/class/workshop, etc. Please talk about it with friends and family, but I take copyright laws seriously and the content I've created is owned by me.

I get it—when the mystical meets the practical, questions arise! "Do you read minds?" (No, but I do read energy!) "Can ghosts text?" (Not yet, but wouldn't that be fun?)
Before sending a message my way, check out the FAQ! It’s like a magic crystal ball—answers appear before you even ask. And if your question still lingers in the beyond, then go ahead and reach out!


You Are Here For a Reason

There will always be people who throw water on your fire. I help to remind you of your fire, to believe in the impossible, and show that you are limitless. Your past doesn’t have to stop your future. Your grief doesn’t have to restrict you from living. Your loved ones on the Other Side are living their best life and they want you to do the same.


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